Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pump 69

After addicted to Step Class for past few months, now I get more and more addicted to Body Pump. First time attending launch of Body Pump 69 about two weeks ago, I didn't think I will like this release so much, but having done this release for 4-5 times, I think several tracks are really awesome, particularly squads with super bottom-halves made me burning until sweat drop, and killing shoulder tracks with great music from Bass Hunter. I almost never able to do full push up, but the last pump 69 by Tim on Monday, made me feel high and I managed to do full push up (ok2, admit I missed 2 last counts :p). I think it's the music, familiarity to the moves and of course, the encouragement voice from favorite Pump instructor. From all the tracks in Pump, I am still particularly weak in bicep and triceps, guess I need to practice a lot on my hand.

Just attended Collin's level 2 step class, I found his moves doesn't really change much. Several of my friends found his class is a bit boring nowadays. I prefer the dynamic moves by Daniel, which getting better and better.. Love it..

If you like the music from this release, you can listen here. Below is video for shoulder tracks (weird video though)


sgboy said...

I have done body pump 69 3 times now and I am just sick of it! Today was my 3rd and I was really feeling it and not able to push as heavy as I want to and like you biceps my weakest which explains why I have such under developed arms....

all the step instructors gets boring after a while I still enjoy Colin but these days James W more

Leon Koh said...

happy pumping :)

Vincent said...

Sgboy, I think it might be "Tim" factor that made my last Pump 69 quite impressive. Haha..

Leon, happy pumping to u too :).