Saturday, August 16, 2008

Enemy of the Machines

I recently had a series of unfortunate events with some financial machines. It started with the ATM machine, that not sure why after inserting the card, I was neither able to enter any pin number nor press any key to cancel, which made me worry that my card might be swollen by the machine. Luckily, after 1-2 minutes waiting, I could get the card back. Then, I proceed to the next ATM, and needed to join the queue that was suddenly just created.

The next machine was AXS which I needed to pay my bills. As it's troublesome to enter the credit card number, I usually scan credit card number by inserting the credit card. But, not sure, the machine was unable to read the card that night, so I proceed to enter the credit card number manually and scanned all the bills. After confirming all detail was correct, I proceed to pay with NETS, and to my big disappointment, the stupid machine couldn't read my ATM card either. I walk to SAMS machine nearby, but there's no option to pay Citibank credit card there. As I needed to pay the bills soon, I walk to the other AXS machine, and all procedure was working fine, till the processing of NETS, all the transaction failed after several attempts. Arrghh.. I felt so frustrated untill feel like banging stupid machine, but it would just hurt my hand.

After China (which I consider) succesfully delivered one of the (which I consider again) the biggest show ever, in the opening of Olympic game, it has been responded with two disgrace news about the fake CGI fireworks and lip-synching singer, which the later turns out to be more serious that I originally thought. It's true that lip-synching might be ungraceful thing to do, but I think most news have been overly-hyped about it. Even some consider that it reflected: China sent out message that whoever had a less "cute" face would be denied even though qualified, and whoever had a "cuter" look had permission to lie. Rubbish, stupid politic message again.. And the more media publicized this news, I can't imagine how those two children will feel, wish the best for their future. I hope the best for her confidence in the future. This unfortunate event will be a scar to the olympic's Beijing history. It's true that all the good things that we have done for years will be spoilt by one little mistake.

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