Saturday, August 23, 2008

Money Not Enough 2

After reading its mixed reviews, I have set my expectation low for this movie and hope it's not as disappointed as "Ah Long Pte Ltd", which I think it's a very messy movie. At least, there's dialect (hokkien/tio ciu) jokes to be laughed at. Surprisingly, Money Not Enough is much much better and enjoyable, although the starting of the movie is a bit out of the place. The movie tries to use the story of 3 brothers/families to reflect most issues with Singaporean family, especially with the financial problem. The story itself is quite real, sensitive and touch your heart, especially if you have experienced the same problem. One of the issue that closed the movie with a sad ending, is about how to handle issue with the old parent. I think the mother character delivers a great performance. This movie will be great to people that understands hokkien or at least from chinese family that speaks hokkien/tio ciu. If you are kind of ang moh life style, this movie might not be good enough.

I attended David's step class in Orchard California yesterday. The class itself is quite empty than usual, maybe it's caused by the rain or it's not the regular instructor. I have a bit difficulty understanding what he try to say, but overall, it is a good step class, not that tricky/difficult, but quite cardio as he only gave 1 break during the whole class, my shirt is all wet at the end. David is a very dancy type and fun, although not as laughable as James. I look forward to his next class, and maybe try to attend his zumba class :). Followed by Christina's Body Pump after that, my whole body felt like jelly, and I feel like eating a horse.


sgboy said...

don;t you think David is hot when he is doing all his dancing moves?

Vincent said...

Yes, superb.. He's the zumba hotty..